Youth Residential Programs Handbook

Welcome to George Junior Republic in Pennsylvania (GJR in PA)
We understand this may be a challenging time for you, and we will do everything possible to make this a positive experience for everyone involved. Please take time to review this handbook. You will find an overview of the services that can be offered during your stay. We are here to collaborate with you, our person served, to provide you with the best possible care. In order to accomplish this, we ask that you please feel free to give us input regarding your history and current needs as well as your hopes for the future to help develop your Individual Treatment Plan. We also ask that your parents/guardians share their thoughts and provide us with feedback regarding how our services are provided. This feedback allows us to continue to increase the quality of the care we provide across our programs and helps us to meet our commitment to serve you with the highest level of responsibility.
Please contact the admissions department at 724.458.9330 x2102 with any questions you or your parents/guardians may have before your arrival. You will also be given the names and telephone numbers of the Treatment Team members responsible for your care. These individuals will be the day-to-day providers you will work with to achieve your goals. Parents/guardians may contact the Treatment Team anytime to discuss your progress or if they have any questions, concerns, or suggestions about your treatment.
Table of Contents
Section 1 - General Information
GJR in PA serves youth ages 8 -21 referred by the court system, an insurance company, or a private placement. Reasons for referrals can include significant behavioral and/or mental health issues or symptoms of significant trauma and attachment disruptions. Through our supportive, consistently structured treatment programs, we can address these concerns and help you gain more secure attachments to those involved in your life.
You will have the opportunity to work with an individual therapist weekly to build your Individual Treatment Plan together. To fully develop this plan, we will gather information from your referral material that may include previous mental health diagnosis(es), a Youth Level of Service (YLS) assessment, and any requirements a referral source or court may have ordered. We will also ask you to complete various behavioral and mental health assessments with your input and that of your parents/guardians. This can help us fully individualize your treatment through measurable strength-based goals and objectives.
You can also participate in group and recreational therapy to support your Individual Treatment Plan goals. Family therapy with your natural support system will be offered bi-monthly unless otherwise indicated. Rounding out your opportunities, we will also offer life-skills training, applied behavior analysis, educational interventions, vocational training, therapeutic art programming, behavior management through adventure (indoor adventure and challenge course), and relationship-building activities.
CARE (Children and Residential Experiences)
GJR in PA implements CARE, a trauma-informed model created by Cornell University. CARE is trauma informed, family involved, competency based, ecologically oriented, relationship based and developmentally focused. The CARE Theory of Change outlines the pathways that can lead you to improved social, emotional, and developmental outcomes. It is important for you to know that your Individual Treatment Plan is unique to you and based on your zone of proximal development. This means that it is tailored to meet your needs. So, while the overarching program at GJR in PA provides consistency in treatment, no two Individual Treatment Plans are exactly the same. Through CARE, we can track your progress on treatment and environmental goals daily to continue to provide individualized care.

Based on your history, current issues, mental and emotional stability, and consideration of other important factors, you will start out in one of the specialized programs GJR in PA offers. These programs include Intensive Supervision, Special Needs, Special Needs RTF, General Residential, Inpatient Non-Hospital Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Residence for Adolescent Complex Cases (TRACC). Treatment at GJR in PA is fluid, and you can move throughout programs based on your progress or need for increased structure.
Our program is based on three basic skills: following instructions, accepting “no” for an answer, and accepting criticism. You will be encouraged to learn and practice these skills in your cottage/unit so that you can master them throughout your life.
Our goal is for you to be successful in the level of care most appropriate for you. As your needs are assessed daily and weekly, it may become evident that you might benefit from a different setting within the GJR in PA continuum of care. This change in setting will give you a better opportunity to address your needs and work toward gaining greater responsibility for your behavior. Your parents/ guardians and referring agency will be informed of your progress within our system and will be notified of any changes or transfers by the Treatment Team.
Discharge Criteria
You can complete GJR in PA’s treatment program (except the Diagnostic program) and be recommended for discharge by making consistent positive progress on your treatment goals, including all therapy and educational goals, completing step-down transfers within the program, if applicable, and completing successful therapeutic home visits prior to discharge, if applicable.
Additional treatment issues may be identified and addressed by the Treatment Team with support from your parents/guardians and the referring agency critical in these areas. At each of your review hearings, if placed by the court, we will make recommendations to the court, but remember, the court’s decision is regarded as final.
Treatment Team
Your Treatment Team at GJR in PA includes the staff in your program and a collaborative group of experienced professionals. The team meets weekly to plan, implement, and review the individualized treatment goals and processes for you and your peers. It is anticipated that you and your parents/guardians will feel free to communicate with the Treatment Team openly.
GJR in PA Treatment Teams consists of the following individuals:
- Person served (you)
- Parent/Guardian
- Treatment Team Coordinator/Therapist (provides individual and family therapy)
- Case Manager (oversees person’s served case and is the point of contact)
- Residential Manager (oversees the daily operations of the treatment milieu/unit)
- Counselor/Parents (live-in married couple) or Behavioral Health Technicians (oversee daily management of the unit)
- Campus Director (supervises the team)
- Psychiatrist and/or psychologist who will consult with the treatment team when necessary
- Other supports as identified by person served and/or parent/guardian
We understand that you may initially find adjusting to our structured environment challenging. Your Treatment Team will provide the support you need throughout your stay and various transitions that can occur within the treatment process. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to your Treatment Team. Remember, you have many opportunities to gain the most from your stay. By actively participating in all aspects of treatment, including the therapies offered, you can only increase your chances of success!
The First 30 Days and Beyond
Once you arrive at GJR in PA, you will meet with our orientation staff to begin your stay. They will provide information regarding your program, Client Rights, and other essential details. Your parents/guardians will also be called to let them know you arrived safely. This call will be repeated until it is successfully received.
During your first 30 days, you will develop your Individual Treatment Plan with your Treatment Team Coordinator/Therapist. You can begin to work toward your goals as you adjust to the structure of one of our trauma-informed programs, which includes discussing your eventual discharge.
The Treatment Team will hold an Initial Treatment Team meeting and invite your parents/guardians and the referring agency to review the Individual Treatment Plan you have made and to add their input. At that time, they can also discuss any concerns regarding visits, travel, etc.
We realize families and referring agencies are often far from our campus, and we value their input. Thus, these Initial Treatment Team meetings and their quarterly reviews can be attended via telephone using an access code provided in your meeting invitation letter or through a pre-arranged video meeting platform.
During and beyond your first 30 days, you can engage in positive activities to enhance your stay. At GJR in PA, we offer a variety of recreational and athletic outlets to improve your health and well-being. You will have the opportunity to enjoy several indoor gymnasiums, an outdoor swimming pool, movie theaters, billiards, and multiple basketball recreational areas/facilities throughout campus. We also have a 25,000-square-foot indoor recreational center.
You also have the opportunity to practice a bona fide religion of your choice. All aspects of this will be respected, including providing time for prayer, food choices, and study. Clothing choices will be respected insofar as the treatment milieu is concerned, with the expectation that the educational sites will provide their own guidance regarding proper attire.
You will also receive the best educational options to meet your needs during the academic year. School attendance and effort are essential parts of your treatment. The most appropriate educational environment will be determined for you unless otherwise mandated by the court. You are asked to attend school as scheduled, complete all assignments/testing on time, and follow the dress and behavior guidelines provided by your respective school administration.
Personal Appearance & Belongings
At GJR in PA, we hope to provide the support you need to increase your overall positive outlook. Thus, you must tend to your appearance. Please note that daily hygiene is an essential part of the daily schedule at all levels of treatment. We encourage you to bring basic hygiene items and appropriate clothing in good condition. If this is not possible, these items will be provided for you. You are not permitted to have any alcohol-based items (i.e., mouthwash, cologne), aerosol-propelled products (i.e., body spray), or cannabis-based products.
Your parents/guardians are asked to contact the Treatment Team with any questions or concerns regarding acceptable clothing and hygiene items. Please keep in mind that GJR in PA is not responsible for any items you bring into placement, including brand-name, expensive clothing and hygiene items, as well as clothing that may have inappropriate pictures or prints. If identified, these items may be returned to you or your parent/guardians via US Mail.
A personal property inventory will be completed upon admission. We ask that any additional items you may receive be given to your unit or visitation staff for inspection so they can be added to this inventory before being given to you. If you are in the Diagnostic and Intensive Supervision programs, you will receive khaki pants and blue shirts for daily wear.
Recommended Clothing

Mail and Telephone Calls
Contact between a person served and their family is one of the most important interactions when a person served is placed in a residential facility. We strive to ensure that you are provided with the means and opportunity to engage in meaningful contact with your family during your time with us.
You are permitted to make outgoing calls to your parents/guardians, referring agencies, attorneys, and/or any other approved parties. Calls to parents/guardians can occur at least twice per week and are time-limited. You can receive incoming calls from your referring agency, attorney, or other ancillary agencies working with you. Parents/guardians are permitted to make incoming calls to speak with your staff regarding your progress or in the case of a family emergency.
Your parents/guardians are asked to coordinate schedules with you to permit regular contact. Remember that you are not permitted to have cell phones or engage in three-way calling or call splitting. Any variation of the above guidelines must be approved in advance by your Campus Director.
You can also send and receive mail unless otherwise restricted by court order. A court order also may require that all incoming mail be monitored for restricted items. Your mail may be opened in the presence of staff for your safety and that of others. Any mail to you should be addressed as noted below:

Like telephone contact with family, we recognize the importance of in-person visitation for you and your family. We encourage your parents/guardians and other supportive persons to visit you while you are here. It is important to have ongoing communication and support as you move through and eventually transition from care. Remember, however, there are limitations as to who can visit.
The “Family Visitation Authorization” provides your Treatment Team with a visitor list of individuals approved by your parents/guardians and referring agency. Additions to this list must have prior approval by the referring agency. These guidelines are for your protection, privacy, and confidentiality, as well as that of your peers.
You will also have the opportunity for therapeutic home and day visits; however, requirements and length of visits vary based on guidelines set by your referring agency and county. These visits allow you to show progress in your home and community settings and are very useful in measuring your overall progress. If you have the opportunity for a therapeutic home visit, you may be home for several days. Your referring agency may request a therapeutic home visit at any time. The Treatment Team will offer feedback to the referring agency regarding your progress and emotional stability to support these requests.
Campus Visits
Family visits may be scheduled by calling the visitation appointment line: 724.458.9330 x2163 Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
Only individuals who have been approved and whose names appear on the “Family Visitation Authorization” form are permitted to visit. We ask that your parents/guardians contact the case manager/residential manager before making plans, such as hotel reservations, etc., to ensure you are available for the visit. Remember, no more than four family members are permitted to visit at one time. Your siblings must be supervised by a parent/guardian at all times. Any requests outside the identified visitation hours must be approved by your Campus Director one week before the anticipated visit. Please note the following:
- Cell phone use by anyone is not permitted during a visit for the safety and security of all.
- Alcoholic beverages and controlled substances are not permitted. Anyone suspected of being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol is not permitted on GJR in PA grounds and will be asked to leave. If someone is clearly impaired, alternate arrangements will be made to ensure a safe departure of those involved.
- Weapons of any kind are not permitted on GJR in PA grounds as they threaten the safety and security of all and are prohibited by law.
- Smoking is not permitted in the Visitation Center or any building on campus, as these are all designated non-smoking facilities. Designated smoking areas are available for guests.
Families of persons served placed in Open Campus, Drug and Alcohol, Diagnostic, Special Needs, Special Needs RTF, and TRACC programs may provide their child with both hygiene products and food/snack products during visitation. Hygiene products must be in their original and sealed packaging. Products that contain alcohol/cannabis are not permitted. Food/snack products that require refrigeration and/or need to be cooked are not permitted.
Visitation Procedures
Visitation hours are from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday. Visitors must enter campus from Irishtown Road (see directions provided in a separate document). Please do not drive through campus or enter via George Junior Road. There is a designated parking lot, with handicap parking available for those with handicap passes.
Upon arriving, visitors are asked to check in with the receptionist at the Visitation Center and provide their legal identification and the make and model of their vehicle. Anything brought for you by your visitors, such as money or clothing, must be left with the Visitation Center receptionist, who will provide a receipt for it. This is for the safety and protection of all.
The Treatment Team will work with the placing agency to determine your eligibility for a day pass and its expectations and limitations. The Day Pass Approval Form will be completed, which will provide you with the agreed-upon guidelines.
If you are staying on campus for your visit, the Visitation Center receptionist will show you areas where you can visit within and around the Visitation Center. You will not, however, be permitted to walk around campus or sit in parked vehicles.
The following are not permitted in the Visitation Center:
- Pets
- Haircuts
- Tobacco-related products and/or controlled substances
- Cell phone use
Departure of All Visitors
All visitors must check out with the Visitation Center receptionist. If you or your visitors purchased any items for you during your visit or gave you money, you must give it to the Visitation Center receptionist, who will provide you with a receipt. Your visitors must then depart and exit via Irishtown Road. Visitors are not permitted to drive onto campus for the safety and security of all.
Sibling Visits
We realize there are times when more than one sibling may be placed out of the home at the same time. Regular visitation is provided for those siblings placed at GJR in PA together. This visitation can occur during the week for only the siblings and during weekend visits with parents/guardians. For siblings placed at different facilities, we will coordinate regular visits with the sibling’s facility. These visits may occur in person and/or via video visitation (due to location, distance, and safety).
Therapeutic Home Visits
Certain expectations must be followed to complete a successful therapeutic home visit, which include calling in nightly, following guidelines from the referring agency and Treatment Team, cooperating with your parents/guardians, avoiding substance use, and returning on time. It is also anticipated that you will cooperate with the staff transporting you. Any additional criteria based on your needs will be shared with you and your family before your visit.
Safety and Security
We place great value on the safety and security of all persons residing, working, and serving, as well as their families and visitors. To ensure the safety of all, you and your belongings will be searched upon admission, upon return to campus after therapeutic home visits and other community outings, and when there is strong reason to suspect possession of dangerous or illegal items. These searches will be conducted by trained staff privately and respectfully and be approved by an administrative staff member. Items that are not permitted or dangerous to you or others will be confiscated.
Persons served are not permitted tobacco/nicotine products and/or products associated with vaping.
Pennsylvania law prohibits the sale of tobacco, in any form, to any minor under the age of 21 years. PA law further prohibits the purchase, gift, or other means of furnishing tobacco, in any form, to a minor under the age of 21 years. By this law, GJR in PA has a no smoking, e-cigarettes, vaping, or use of tobacco (in any form) policy for persons served.
You are not permitted to smoke or use tobacco/nicotine products in any form. Tobacco is not sold on the campus, and staff members are not permitted to purchase or supply you with tobacco, e-cigarettes, or vaping products. Parents, guardians, and visitors are not permitted to provide you with tobacco or vaping products of any kind.
You are also not permitted the following items on your person or in your room (this is not an exhaustive list but is provided as a guideline):
- Lighters, matches
- Knives, guns, scissors, or any sharp objects of any kind that can be considered a weapon
- Over-the-counter drugs or other illegal drugs or medications
- Alcohol-based products such as cologne or mouthwash and cannabis-based products
- Aerosol sprays
- Chemicals, flammables and toxic products
- Shoes (shoes are to be placed in the locked shoe closet only)
- Plastic bags
- Rubber gloves
- Food/gum
- Rubber bands
- Indecent printed or audio materials
- Electric shaver or razor
- Wire, nails, screws, tools
- Glue
- Belts
- Extra sheets
- Electronic devices that can connect to the internet and/or that can record audio/video
- Money/credit cards/debit cards
Food delivery services such as Uber Eats, DoorDash, etc., are also not permitted for persons served in our care.
In addition to the information above, the following expectations and procedures have been put in place for your safety and the safety of others:
- 15 Second Rule – At times, staff may have to manage a safety concern and may call “15 seconds.” When this occurs, you are to go to your room immediately, sit at the desk or on the bed, or if you are in another building, go to another designated area and wait there quietly until staff let you know all is clear. If you hear a panic alarm, this means an immediate “15 second rule.”
- We practice fire drills once a month. You are expected to respond when the alarm sounds so that you know what to do in an actual fire situation.
- Other emergency drills (natural disaster, utility failure, violent situation, medical emergency, bomb threat) may be conducted during your stay. These drills may require you to shelter in place or evacuate.
Restrictive Procedures
Your safety and that of others is a primary concern, and every effort is made to anticipate and respond to situations to avoid potential harm. At times, ensuring this safety may require the use of restrictive procedures. Restrictive procedures may only be used when all other attempts to de-escalate and calm someone have not worked, and they present a danger of harming self and/or others physically.
De-escalation measures may include redirection, sensory interventions, providing a safe and quiet space, reflective listening to an individual’s concerns, finding an outlet for excess energy, music, and other options. You are encouraged to work with staff and your support systems to create a plan that outlines the strategies that work best in helping you gain and maintain emotional and behavioral stability. Restrictive procedures include the use of time out and passive physical restraint.
Time out is defined as separation from others for a period of time, with at least one staff member with you at all times and in a place where you are not physically prevented from leaving. The purpose of a time out is to allow you to gain control of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in a circumstance of reduced stimulation.
Passive physical restraint is defined as a nonviolent holding technique by one or more individuals that restricts or reduces someone’s ability to move freely. It is used to interrupt behavior when it becomes dangerous to self or others and to assist someone in regaining personal control. GJR in PA teaches skills and supports individuals in managing their behavior in stressful times. By developing and building upon these skills, persons served will decrease the need for such restraints.
Restrictive procedures respect the dignity and rights of persons served and will only be used by trained staff. By signing the George Junior Republic in Pennsylvania Youth Residential Programs Handbook Acknowledgement, parents/guardians understand they are providing consent to use the restrictive procedures described above.
Rights and Responsibilities
You have certain rights and responsibilities while you are here. Responsibilities include the expectation that you will respect your living space and not damage it. This includes the air vents, baseboard, security lights, smoke detectors, etc. You may decorate your room with appropriate décor but remember that doors and/or windows cannot be covered due to safety concerns. In order to develop a sense of accountability for maintaining your shared space, daily chores are taught and assigned to all residents. For the safety of all, rooms may be searched if there is reasonable cause to believe there are restricted items present.
Please remember there is a distinction between “rights” and “privileges”. GJR in PA does not restrict rights, but can restrict privileges if therapeutically indicated. You have the right to file a grievance/complaint for any alleged violation of a specific civil right and/or behavioral health treatment plan (SEE SECTION 3 – GRIEVANCE POLICY). You also have the following personal rights as stated by law (Children in Foster Care Act of 2010):
- You have the right to be treated with fairness, dignity, and respect.
- You may not be discriminated upon due to race, color, religious creed, disability, handicap, ancestry, sexual orientation, national origin, limited English proficiency, age, or sex. These issues have no bearing on the quality of services recommended or provided to you. You have the right not to be deprived of any civil, legal, or human rights due to a mental health, mental intellectual deficit, and/or developmental disability diagnosis.
- You have the right as a minor to not be physically or emotionally abused, mistreated, unreasonably restrained, threatened, harassed, or subject to corporal punishment. You may not be subject to unusual or extreme methods of discipline, which may cause psychological or physical harm to you. It is the policy of GJR in PA to report all allegations of child/adult abuse to the ChildLine and Abuse Registry of the Department of Human Services. Allegations of abuse will be investigated by the Department of Human Services Office of Children, Youth, and Family Services.
- You have a right to be informed of the rules of the facility/ program.
- You have the right to be given enough food and food of good quality.
- You have the right to clothing that is clean, seasonal, and age and gender appropriate.
- You have the right to appropriate medical, dental, vision, and behavioral health treatment. You have the right to agree or refuse any medical and mental health treatment, including medication.
- You have the right to take part in developing your Individualized Service Plan, which includes medical, drug and alcohol, and/or mental health treatment, if applicable. You have a right to a copy of your Individualized Service Plan
- You have the right to receive and send mail unless restricted by a court order. Outgoing mail shall not be opened or read by staff persons unless court ordered. Incoming mail from federal, state, or county officials or your attorney shall not be opened or read by staff persons unless court ordered. Incoming mail from persons shall not be opened or read by staff persons unless court ordered or there is a reasonable suspicion that restricted items or other information or material that may jeopardize your health or safety may be enclosed. You may open mail in the presence of a staff person.
- You have the right to visit your parents/guardians at least every other weekend unless prohibited or restricted by court order.
- You have the right to have contact with your family.
- You have the right to have all the contact information for your guardian ad litem, attorney, court-appointed special advocate, and members of your planning team. You have the right to communicate and visit privately with your attorney.
- You have a right to communicate with others by telephone. This right is based on a reasonable policy and, at times, written instructions from your contracting agency or court, if applicable, regarding circumstances, frequency, time, payment, and privacy.
- You have the right to be in a place that maintains your culture as reasonably accommodated.
- You have the right to attend school and be able to take part in extracurricular, cultural, and personal enrichment activities.
- You have the right to have the opportunity to work and develop job skills at an appropriate age level, which may be reasonably accommodated.
- You have the right to get life skills training and independent living services.
- You have the right to be protected from unreasonable search and seizure. The facility may conduct search and seizure procedures, subject to reasonable facility policy.
- You have a right to confidentiality and release of information with informed, written consent except as required by legal authority.
- You have the right to get notices of court hearings from your referring agency or county courthouse for your case and have the ability to attend the hearing.
- You have the right to practice a religion or faith of your choice, provided it is a bona fide religion, or not to practice any religion or faith. You have the right to communicate and visit with your clergy in private.
- You have the right to receive the agency’s grievance policy and to have your rights, and the grievance policy explained to you in a way that you understand. You have the right to lodge a grievance with the facility for an alleged violation of specific client or civil right(s) or a complaint regarding your behavioral health treatment plan without fear of retaliation.
- You have the right to exercise parental and decision-making authority for your child (if you are a parent/guardian).
- Your rights may not be used as a reward or sanction.
- You have a right not to participate in research projects. Program services shall be made available to individuals with disabilities through the most procedural and economically feasible methods possible.
- Child Rights 26 through 32 do not apply to delinquent persons served.
- You have the right to live in the most family-like setting that meets your needs.
- You have the right to be placed with your kin and relatives, if possible.
- You have the right to be placed with families who have supported you before, if possible.
- You have the right to be placed with your siblings or visit with them at least every other week as arranged by your referring agency. GJR in PA will make available to you telephone contact with your siblings per the referring agency’s family service plan or written permission.
- You have the right to be able to stay in the same school when you change placements.
- You have the right to a permanency plan that you helped create and that you can review.
- You have the right to get notice that you can ask to stay in care after you turn 18 years of age.
While GJR in PA supports Child Rights for dependent and/or dependent/delinquent persons served*, they are outside of GJR in PA’s jurisdiction to enforce; therefore, you must file a grievance with your referring agency should you believe one or more of these rights has been violated. If you need assistance in completing a grievance form to your referring agency, the GJR in PA therapist or case manager can help you.
*We will provide you with and review this information with you upon admission. Program services shall be made available to individuals with disabilities through the most procedural and economically feasible methods possible.
While residing at GJR in PA, you may be provided with transportation both on and off the campus for appointments, therapeutic home visits, activities, court hearings, etc. All transportation will be provided by licensed drivers employed, trained, and supervised by GJR in PA. All transportation will occur in vehicles owned and maintained by GJR in PA.
Finances/Student Account
During your stay, you are permitted to have money sent from family members, but not large sums. However, you cannot be given money directly or electronically, such as Cash App, Zelle, Venmo, etc. When you receive money, it is placed into your student account, which was established by GJR in PA at a local bank. You can withdraw from this account upon request; however, approval by the staff is required. You are not permitted to carry money on your person at any time.
Health Services
GJR in PA facilitates access to comprehensive healthcare services for you during your stay, including appropriate preventive, dental, mental health, developmental, and specialty healthcare services and screenings based on the American Academy of Pediatrics periodicity schedule. For persons served under the age of 21 who are enrolled in Medicaid, this includes access to Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) services. These screenings are important to:
- Assess and identify programs early
- Check children’s health at periodic, age-appropriate intervals
- Provide physical, mental, developmental, dental, hearing, vision and other screening test to detect potential problems
- Perform diagnostic tests to follow up when a risk is identified
- Control, correct, or reduce health problems found.
GJR in PA works with various providers to ensure quality medical, dental, vision, and psychiatric care when needed. A health, safety, and nutrition assessment will be completed within 24 hours of admission, including a general hearing and vision screening. A full physical examination will be completed within 14 days of admission (4 days for persons served in our secure program) and annually after that by a contracted pediatric practitioner. If not completed within 6 months before placement, a thorough dental exam, including dental cleaning, will be completed within 30 days of placement. Ongoing dental cleanings and examinations will occur every 6 months after that. If you are identified as requiring additional vision care, based upon admission screening, you will be seen by a licensed optometrist or ophthalmologist within 30 days of placement and as needed after that. If you require specialized care for other conditions, you will be scheduled as needed with your parent/guardian’s consent and permission. You may also require routine and/or specific laboratory tests to evaluate for underlying conditions and/or comply with best practice guidelines for prescribing medications. We will do our best to keep you and your parents/guardians involved and informed regarding your health status and needs.
Please remember that we are not able to consent to care for you. Your parents/guardians are required to sign a general medical consent to provide routine health care. If non-routine treatment is needed, separate, specific consent by the parent/ guardian or an order from the court may be necessary. Care providers may need to contact your parent/guardian directly to obtain consent to provide care. Allegheny Health Network- Grove City offers emergency medical services and is located a short distance from the GJR in PA campus. Medical personnel do not need consent to treat emergent, life-threatening conditions. In any emergency, every effort is made to contact your family as soon as possible.
Health Services staff are committed to providing the best care possible for you while you are in our care. Nursing staff are available for consultation seven days a week, 24 hours a day, and persons served may request to be seen by a nurse at any time. Please report your concerns as they arise. If you or your parents/guardians have health care questions, you can contact our nursing department by calling 724.458.9330 x2410. If a nurse is not immediately available to take your call, please leave a message, and the call will be returned as soon as possible.
Health Insurance
We will maintain health insurance information throughout your stay, including any private health insurance coverage provided by your parents/guardian’s employer. You may also be eligible for medical insurance benefits offered by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (or another state). If you or your parents/guardians have questions regarding these benefits, please contact your juvenile probation officer, caseworker, or mental health case manager.
While you reside at GJR in PA, you will be encouraged to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle. We will provide you with nutritional and well-balanced meals to help you learn about proper nutrition. You will have the opportunity to learn about good alternatives to any dietary or food restrictions and/or how to manage these dietary needs. Because this is an important aspect of the care we provide you, it is essential to note that food delivery services such as Door Dash, Grub Hub, etc., are not permitted due to health/safety concerns.
GJR in PA participates in the Child Nutrition Program, also known as the National School Lunch Program. Please note that both the breakfast and lunch served to you will follow the requirements outlined in the Child Nutrition Program.
While residing in GJR in PA, you will be served meals that meet the daily requirements recommended by the United States Department of Agriculture. We will provide dietary alternatives if you have a particular health need, religious belief requiring dietary restrictions, and/or vegetarian preference. In these instances, substitutions to food choices and selections are available via the Permissible Substitution List. If you require additional portions at mealtime, these will also be available. If you have any questions about this program, please get in touch with your Campus Director.
Summer Food Program
GJR in PA, as a participant in the Child Nutrition Program, understands the importance of proper nutrition and access to food during the entire year, including the summer.
Nutritious free meals are available for children and teens 18 years and younger at many locations nationwide during the summer while school is out of session. Locations for participating sites are updated in the spring prior to the end of the school year.
To locate sites that serve free meals to children during the summer, parents and guardians can take one of the following action steps:
- Call 211
- Call 1-866-348-6479
- Text “Summer Meals” to 97779
- Visit the following websites:
Please be advised that as a participant in the Child Nutrition Program, GJR in PA is required to provide you with the above information regarding the Child Nutrition Program and the Summer Food Program, which can assist you in locating free meals for the children in your care post-discharge and during the summer months.
Drug and Alcohol Testing
You will be tested for the presence of drugs and alcohol at admission, at the request of referring agencies, and randomly if there is reasonable suspicion of substance abuse. Drug and alcohol testing will be conducted by trained staff in a controlled and private environment, with the permission of an administrative staff member.
Grievance Policy
Upon your admission, we will review the Person Served Grievance policy with you. Outlined below are the action steps to take if you believe your rights have been violated. Submitting a grievance will in no way impact your defined treatment goals, plans for transfer, discharge, or scheduled activities.
- Once a grievance is identified, you are encouraged to discuss the grievance issue with the involved staff member. You will also have the opportunity to complete a written grievance form immediately.
- If you are not comfortable with this approach, you will be encouraged to speak with another staff person you trust— this may include a recreation staff member or therapist.
- If the discussions do not help to resolve the issue, and you have not yet completed a grievance form, you will be encouraged to do so. Grievance drop boxes are located across the GJR in PA campus.
- The Campus Director is responsible for reviewing and discussing the grievance with you once it is received by him/her.
Options for contacting your Campus Director:
- Team Meetings
- In the Campus Director’s office. You will need to make an appointment with your Campus Director by asking a staff member to assist you.
- Write a letter, put it in an envelope and send it to the Campus Director through the campus mail. You can hand your letter to any staff on-campus for delivery to the administration building.
- If you believe the issue has not been resolved, you will have the opportunity to meet with the Vice President of Operations.
- If the meeting with the Vice President of Operations does not assist in resolving the issue, a follow-up meeting will be scheduled within ten days. Meeting participants will include the Vice President of Operations, the Campus Director, the referring agency and you.
**Persons served have the opportunity to include their parent or guardian in grievance related meetings and to send the grievance form to the referring agency.
Family Grievance Procedure
Each child and parent/guardian has the right to lodge grievances without the fear of retaliation. The Family Grievance Procedure at GJR in PA is as follows:
- If a problem, question, issue, or situation arises regarding your care or treatment, it should first be handled by your residential manager or counselor/parents.
- If a problem, question, issue, or situation arises regarding your care or treatment that cannot be satisfactorily resolved with the counselor/parents or residential manager, it should then be discussed with your case manager or treatment team coordinator/therapist.
- If a problem, question, issue, or situation arises regarding your care or treatment that cannot be satisfactorily resolved with the case manager or treatment team coordinator/therapist, it should then be discussed with the Campus Director.
- If a problem, question, issue, or situation arises regarding your care or treatment that cannot be satisfactorily resolved with your Campus Director, it should then be discussed with the Vice President of Operations, the immediate supervisor of all Campus Directors and treatment staff.
- If a problem, question, issue, or situation arises regarding your care or treatment that cannot be satisfactorily resolved with the Vice President of Operations, it should then be discussed with GJR’s Chief Executive Officer.
Sources of Parent Advocacy/Support
Parental support, advocacy, educational groups, and informational resources are available to parents/guardians in your local community. The referring agency or local community mental health case manager can provide you with telephone numbers of the groups or informational resources in your area.
Media and Photography
Your parents/guardians have the option to consent* to reproducing, publishing or otherwise making publicly available your name, video image, likeness, voice achievement or similar information about you and/or your activities at or relating to GJR in PA (Personal Information). This release of information includes but is not limited to press releases, newsletter, photographs, videos including audio components, recordings, fundraising materials, broadcasts, and/or other information dissemination provided as, on, or in television, radio, computers, phones, social media, blogs, podcasts, mobile devices, apps, the GJR website or online services, and other existing or future ways to release information.
Media releases are made for the purpose of educating, supporting, advertising, fundraising, and otherwise promoting or providing information about GJR. Information may involve the organization’s mission, programs, persons served, community activities, and outreach efforts. Releases may be local, regional, national, and international and include all possible existing or future media types.
* Please note that some referring agencies prohibit the use of Personal Information regardless of parental consent.
Medical Records Policy
The following information describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.
You have the right to:
- Get a copy of your paper or electronic medical record
- Correct your paper or electronic medical record
- Request confidential communication
- Ask us to limit the information we share
- Get a list of those with whom we’ve shared your information
- Get a copy of this privacy notice
- Choose someone to act for you
- File a complaint if you believe your privacy rights have been violated
You have some choices in the way that we use and share information as we:
- Tell family and friends about your condition
- Provide disaster relief
- Include you in a hospital directory
- Provide mental health care
- Market our services and sell your information
- Raise funds
We may use and share your information as we:
- Treat you
- Run our organization
- Bill for your services
- Help with public health and safety issues
- Do research
- Comply with the law
- Respond to organ and tissue donation requests
- Work with a medical examiner or funeral director
- Address workers’ compensation, law enforcement, and other government requests
- Respond to lawsuits and legal actions
When it comes to your health information, you have certain rights. This section explains your rights and some of our responsibilities to help you.
Get an electronic or paper copy of your medical record
- You can ask to see or get an electronic or paper copy of your medical record and other health information we have about you. Ask us how to do this.
- We will provide a copy or a summary of your health information, usually within 30 days of your request. We may charge a reasonable, cost-based fee.
Ask us to correct your medical record
- You can ask us to correct health information about you that you think is incorrect or incomplete. Ask us how to do this.
- We may say “no” to your request, but we’ll tell you why in writing within 60 days.
Request confidential communications
- You can ask us to contact you in a specific way (for example, home or office phone) or to send mail to a different address.
- We will say “yes” to all reasonable requests.
Ask us to limit what we use or share
- You can ask us not to use or share certain health information for treatment, payment, or our operations. We are not required to agree to your request, and we may say “no” if it would affect your care.
- If you pay for a service or health care item out-of-pocket in full, you can ask us not to share that information for the purpose of payment or our operations with your health insurer. We will say “yes” unless a law requires us to share that information.
Get a list of those with whom we’ve shared information
- You can ask for a list (accounting) of the times we’ve shared your health information for six years prior to the date you ask, who we shared it with, and why.
- We will include all the disclosures except for those about treatment, payment, and health care operations, and certain other disclosures (such as any you asked us to make). We’ll provide one accounting a year for free but will charge a reasonable, cost-based fee if you ask for another one within 12 months.
Get a copy of this privacy notice
You can ask for a paper copy of this notice at any time, even if you have agreed to receive the notice electronically. We will provide you with a paper copy promptly.
Choose someone to act for you
- If you have given someone medical power of attorney or if someone is your legal guardian, that person can exercise your rights and make choices about your health information.
- We will make sure the person has this authority and can act for you before we take any action.
File a complaint if you feel your rights are violated
- You can file a complaint if you feel we have violated your rights by contacting the risk officer.
- You can file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights by sending a letter to 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201, calling 1.877.696.6775, or visiting
- We will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint.
For certain health information, you can tell us your choices about what we share. If you have a clear preference for how we share your information in the situations described below, talk to us. Tell us what you want us to do, and we will follow your instructions.
In these cases, you have both the right and choice to tell us to:
- Share information with your family, close friends, or others involved in your care
- Share information in a disaster relief situation
- Include your information in a hospital directory
If you are not able to tell us your preference, for example, if you are unconscious, we may go ahead and share your information if we believe it is in your best interest. We may also share your information when needed to lessen a serious and imminent threat to health or safety.
In these cases, we never share your information unless you give us written permission:
- Marketing purposes
- Sale of your information
- Most sharing of psychotherapy notes
In the case of fundraising, we may contact you for fundraising efforts, but you can tell us not to contact you again.
How do we typically use or share your health information?
We typically use or share your health information in the following ways.
Treat you
We can use your health information and share it with other professionals who are treating you.
Example: A doctor treating you for an injury asks another doctor about your overall health condition.
Run our organization
We can use and share your health information to run our practice, improve your care, and contact you when necessary. Example: We use health information about you to manage your treatment and services.
Bill for your services
We can use and share your health information to bill and get payment from health plans or other entities.
Example: We give information about you to your health insurance plan so it will pay for your services.
How else can we use or share your health information?
We are allowed or required to share your information in other ways – usually in ways that contribute to the public good, such as public health and research. We have to meet many conditions in the law before we can share your information for these purposes. For more information, visit privacy/hipaa/understanding/consumers/index.html
Help with public health and safety issues
We can share health information about you for certain situations such as:
- Preventing disease
- Helping with product recalls
- Reporting adverse reactions to medications
- Reporting suspected abuse, neglect, or domestic violence
- Preventing or reducing a serious threat to anyone’s health or safety
- Do research
- We can use or share your information for health research
Comply with the law
We will share information about you if state or federal laws require it, including with the Department of Health and Human Services if it wants to see that we’re complying with federal privacy law.
Respond to organ and tissue donation requests
We can share health information about you with organ procurement organizations.
Work with a medical examiner or funeral director
We can share health information with a coroner, medical examiner, or funeral director when an individual dies.
Address workers’ compensation, law enforcement, and other government requests
We can use or share health information about you:
- For workers’ compensation claims
- For law enforcement purposes
- For law enforcement purposes or with a law enforcement official reporting adverse reaction to medications
- With health oversight agencies for activities authorized by law
- For special government functions such as military, national security, and presidential protective services
Respond to lawsuits and legal actions
We can share health information about you in response to a court or administrative order, or in response to a subpoena.
Our Responsibilities
- We are required by law to maintain the privacy and security of your protected health information.
- We will let you know promptly if a breach occurs that may have compromised the privacy or security of your information.
- We must follow the duties and privacy practices described in this notice and give you a copy of it.
- We will not use or share your information other than as described here unless you tell us we can in writing. If you tell us we can, you may change your mind at any time. Let us know in writing if you change your mind.
- We never market or sell personal information.
- We never share any substance abuse or mental health treatment records without your written permission.
For more information, visit:
Changes to the Terms of this Notice
We can change the terms of this notice, which will apply to all information we have about you. The new notice will be available upon request in the Compliance Department office and on GJR’s website.
Effective Date of this Notice of Privacy Practices is November 1 (renewed annually)
Privacy Officer: Erin Speer 724.458.9330 x2237
Email: [email protected]
Non-Discrimination Policy
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language) should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at:, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
- mail:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or - fax:
(833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or - email:
[email protected]
This institution (GJR in PA) is an equal opportunity provider.
PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act)
As an agency serving at risk persons, GJR in PA has and enforces zero tolerance policies regarding all forms of sexual abuse, sexual assault and sexual harassment among the employees and the persons we serve at GJR in PA. The agency will comply with and meet the standards of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). To ensure the safety, security and well-being of persons served, GJR in PA will address the prevention, detection and response of sexual assaults through outlined policies.
This notice provides information regarding our wellness policy and how you and your parents/guardians can get access to this information:
GJR in PA will encourage each person served to develop a healthy lifestyle through proper nutrition, education, and physical activity. A Wellness Committee comprised of education, child nutrition, treatment, purchasing, persons served, and food service staff will meet on a regular basis to review and advise the administration on nutrition, physical activity, health education, and food safety. More information regarding the Wellness Policy can be found at: